Monday, September 5, 2011

Beautiful. Peaceful. Escape. Memories. Childhood. Long days. Warmth. Cold. Happy. Sad.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pathway : Leading line

I like this because it's a place at the school people hardly ever see. So much of the school is dirty and this looks really nice and pretty, even the side walk. I like how the green of the trees and blue in the sky is bright.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Photography  is one of my hobbies and I would like to have a career involved in it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meaningful Subject: Art.

Art is a way you can express yourself.
There are many different ways to do it.
Art also helps you get your mind off of things
because you're focusing on something else.

Collages help get your mind off of things.
It makes you more focused on finding pictures
 and arranging them in a certain way.

You can paint anyting,
 in any shape, form, or pattern and it is art.
If you're not good at anything you can be good at painting.

Colored Pencils
Colored pencils are usually the best
 when it comes to sketching.
You can even use them for coloring in a coloring book,
which is a simple way to distract yourself.

Leading line-Photography
Photography is a way you can take a meaningful
 subject and put it into a picture.
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Rule of Thirds-Fabric
To me fabric can be an art form.
You can make your own clothes and express yourself.
This is the best way to get my mind of things,
and the end result is always great.